Why You Should Listen to CX Podcasts in 2022

Nowadays, the best practices for customer experience (CX) are found in blog posts, seminars, and podcasts. Depending on the episode’s frequency, listeners can learn more about the latest trends and all things related to the customer. Podcasts on customer experience typically feature the best minds in the industry—top dogs with an eye for business excellence. 

Findings from a recent Statista research on the U.S podcasting industry show that 78% of Americans know what a podcast is. We consider this a massive increase considering only 22% of Americans had an inkling of podcasts. With technological innovations come newer ways of strategy and execution. If you’re eager to grow your customer base, then prepare to subscribe to customer experience podcasts. 

Customers expect better handling of their demands and an overall good experience. If you can not provide the rightful experience, then you might as well be the cause of high customer churn. Tackling bad customer experience goes beyond enlightening the helpdesk or rebranding products. 

Listen to the best ways of doing business with the customer. Know what they want and how best they’d want it.

E-commerce brands offering doorstep delivery today are not only safety-conscious but demonstrate brilliance. Show buyers that their needs will receive the appropriate attention before they purchase an item. Extensive research undertaken by Zippia projects a revenue increase of 10% to 15% for companies that revamp their customer experience strategies. 

Read on for better insights into customer experience podcasts and why listening to them is a smart choice for businesses in 2022. 

Why Should You Listen to a CX Podcast? 

A second finding from the Zippia research shows that 73% of buyers feel CX plays a key role in the decision-making processes. When a brand takes extra steps to sell a pleasant experience (not the product), that brand is customer-centric and deserves patronage. However, knowing what the customer wants these days can be a hassle, especially when their necessities often change. 

Below are three reasons why you should subscribe to CX podcasts. 

1. Listening to Podcasts Grants You Access to the Current Industry Trends 

While podcast shows have a permanent host, expect special guest appearances. These guests are industry leaders with decades of experience. Imagine the wealth of information that you can gather from listening to one episode. 

You get to know what’s happening in the CX industry long before your competitors. This gives you an edge over them and sets your business up for complete domination. 

2. Increase Your Chances of Customer Conversion 

Companies spend tons of money on advertising and marketing strategies for one goal. Client conversion. Those funds go into campaigns directed at the customer to convince them of your brand’s offerings. However, not all customers will convert. 

To improve your chances of getting more customers buying and trying your product, redesign your customer onboarding layout. Meanwhile, dozens of exciting new ideas shared by the CEOs of successful companies are available on CX podcasts.  

3. Understanding Customers Becomes Easy

The customer is an integral part of a business, and certain industry professionals agree with this assertion. One sure way to outwit the competition is by knowing the customer. 

Once businesses know what the average shopper knows, strategies to deliver the needed experience will be formulated. Listening to CX-oriented podcasts helps actualize this by a wide margin. 

What Podcasts Are Killing It in The CX Game Today? 

Podcasts bring information about a certain subject, and for CX shows, the case isn’t different. Below is a list of customer-facing podcast shows we strongly recommend. 

1. Science of CX Podcast by Steve Pappas 

With new episodes weekly, Pappas’s show is an outlet for industry giants and consumers to converge on the latest CX trends on best techniques. Pappas is a CX professional with over 25 years of experience and insights. 

His podcast exists for business owners to thrive, maximize profit, and most importantly— satisfy their wide customer base. Available on platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, listening to this show will yield fresh ideas on sustaining customer loyalty and more. 

2. Customers Who Click by Will Laurenson 

It doesn’t matter what niche your business is based in. Whether e-commerce or subscription, Laurenson’s podcast keeps you abreast of who’s doing what in the CX industry. The podcast promises helpful Information provided by industry titans. 

Previous guests on “Customers Who Click” include workers from Jellyfish Group, Fiverr, and more. A hub for marketing strategy and actionable ideas, we recommend this show for the fledgling and established CEO. 

3. The Brainy Business | Understanding the Psychology of Why People Buy | Behavioral Economics By Melina Palmer 

With recognition from top media outlets like Inc., Psychology Today, and Stitcher, Palmer’s podcast is designed for business owners looking to make enterprises customer-friendly. 

This podcast’s offerings exclude no one as small business owners or industry kings can benefit greatly. 

Final Thoughts 

Building a customer takes guts and a willingness to tear down existing structures. To drive growth, you must prepare for drastic changes. Customers deserve top-level service delivery and it’s up to you to actualize that.  If you’re looking to broaden your options, a comprehensive list of incredible CX podcasts is available on CX Stash.


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Customer experience (CX) is the key frontier where brands can truly differentiate themselves in an increasingly competitive landscape. It helps businesses provide delightful experiences across customer touchpoints. This website aims to showcase a comprehensive collection of the best apps to boost customer experience.
